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Military Family Resources

Stafford County Public Schools serves a diverse and mobile population of more than 30,000 students in 33 schools across a county that covers 280 square miles. Stafford County has a total resident population of 142,000 dispersed among approximately 43,000 households. Stafford Schools is a high-performing school division as evidenced by all of its schools being fully accredited.  Both parents and employees describe Stafford Schools as a close-knit community that embraces and leads every child to success, no matter what the child’s background, educational experience, or nationality.

Stafford Schools is bordered to the north by Marine Corps Base Quantico. Many of our families live in Stafford County but commute not only to MCB Quantico, Fort Belvoir, and NSF Dahlgren, but also to other major installations in the National Capital Region. Stafford Schools hopes to make the school transition as smooth as possible for military families as they enter and/or exit the county.  Highlighting Stafford County's devotion to military family friendly transitions, every school in the division has earned Virginia Purple Star Designation.

Welcome to the county that Inspires, Empowers, and Excels.

Contact Information

Welcome to Stafford County Public Schools! For more information regarding the information on our military family resources pages, or for assistance with Purple Star applications, please contact your school-based military family liaison or the division point of contact.

School Division Contact:

Sandra Osborn
Chief Communications Officer